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The Perfect Moment

Writer's picture: Cheryl FoxCheryl Fox

How many times in life have we stalled ourselves, or maybe even never got started at all because we were waiting for the "perfect moment"? Sometimes the moments we're waiting for make sense in our heads; I'll join the gym when things are less hectic at work, I'll get started with my new business when I have enough money to buy a new laptop, or maybe I'll enroll on that course when the kids start school... but what usually happens is that something else comes up, we find a new reason to delay and we never just get started.

So why do we do this? For many of us, waiting for this elusive, perfect moment serves as a distraction and justification which helps us to avoid actually doing something. Doing something is scary! We're putting in effort with no guarantee that it'll work out, there's a risk of failure, embarrassment, of not living up to our own or others expectations. But let's flip the coin for a second. What is the risk of never getting started? If you perpetually find reasons not to do something, you will never take action. And when you never take action, you make it impossible for you to reach your goals, to experience the joy and success of accomplishing and living out your dreams. When you sit back and think about it, isn't the thought of that much, much scarier?

"Courage doesn't mean you're not afraid, it means you're scared shitless but you do it anyway" - Tony Robbins

In just one day there are 86,400 seconds. 86,400 moments that whether you take action or not will continue to stack on top of each other. Only you have the power to choose whether you stay exactly where you are, or whether you choose to take imperfect action in an imperfect moment, generating the momentum that will move you closer to wherever it is that you ultimately want to be. It doesn't even have to be something huge, just one small, initial step can be a powerful commitment to yourself to raise your standards and do things differently. A 2 millimetre shift might seem insignificant in the moment, but if maintained over time will change your entire trajectory.

Let me know in the comments, what have you been putting off by waiting for the perfect moment? And what decisions and action are you going to take right now?

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Have a great week,



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