The top questions I get asked by new clients are:
“What is Reiki?” and
“How does Reiki work?”
Reiki is a form of energy healing which originated in Japan, and made its way over to the west in the early 1900’s. Reiki quite literally means universal life force energy, and it is this energy which is all around us, which is used in the healing sessions.
The attunement which is performed to allow somebody to become a Reiki Healer is sacred and only passed on at Master Teacher level, however I can share that each Reiki Healer has had their crown chakra and their palm chakras opened up, allowing them to channel the universal life force energy in through the top of their head, and out through their hands.
We know from science that everything is made of energy.
When this energy flows uninterrupted, there is a balance and harmony which is created, giving a sense of well-being. On the other side of the coin, blockages in this energy, which we usually collect around the main seven chakras, or energy centres of the body, can manifest in physical, emotional and spiritual problems.
The benefits of Reiki are so far reaching, but include:
pain relief
reduced anxiety
improved energy levels
mental peace and clarity
improved mood
improved sleep
and so much more!
So now you know more about what Reiki is, what can you expect during a healing session?
As far as what actually happens, you lie down comfortably on the couch and relax to the soothing music whilst I do the rest! I work my way through the main seven chakras as well as any of the minor chakras or specific areas of the body I may be drawn to, individually balancing them with Reiki energy, before doing some grounding and protection work. I am a hands off practitioner which means that I lay my hands above you without touching you, however many of my clients have reported feeling a pair of hands which are not mine laid upon them.
This is my healing guide who assists me during my sessions.
Aside from sensing my helper in spirit, some clients have visions, see colours or have sensations in their bodies. Emotions or thoughts can come up to be cleared but most commonly, people feel warmth and a deep sense of peace, relaxation and well-being which stays with them after the session.
Once the session has closed, I give you time to come back into the room (you’ll know what I mean once you’ve experienced it for yourself, but I always say that Reiki takes you somewhere else!) and share any experiences you may have had, before I discuss with you what I picked up.
Each Healer is different, however I feel physical sensations in my body which relate to the chakras and give me an idea of the issues you’re currently facing. I also regularly receive intuitive insights which can be really quite specific, and are always a surprise to the client when I say something bang on the money that I couldn’t possibly have known.
I often get asked about the recommended frequency of healing sessions, and whilst some healers like to give specific timelines, I always ask my clients to go with their gut. Tune in to how you feel after your session vs before, and you’ll know when you’re ready for some more! This could be anywhere from a week to a couple of months time.
For those who are too far away, or perhaps can’t physically make it to a session, I also offer distance healing sessions. Now you’re probably wondering how on earth that works!
Quantum physics tells us that space and time are not actually linear as we perceive them to be, and in the spiritual world you will often hear channellers mention that outside of this physical existence, all things are happening simultaneously. This is what allows us to send Reiki healing across time and space (we can send it to the past and future too!) in a distance healing session.
A level II Practitioner has received specific training from their Master in how to conduct distance healing sessions, and they can be just as powerful as in person healing, with my clients reporting similar visions and sensations and the same sense of peace, relaxation and well-being.
I hope that this post has answered all of your questions, but if there’s anything I’ve not covered, please ask in the comments below, and feel free share with me your experiences with Reiki Healing.
Have a great week,